Yes, within 30 days of purchase if you change your mind (and the recipient hasn’t yet redeemed their gift certificate) you can let us know via email to or by phone on 0800 848 8055 and we’ll refund you the full amount.

You can find our full terms and conditions here where there is a dedicated section on gift certificates.

Not yet. Our gift certificates are currently digital but can printed to give them in-person.

In addition to gift certificate designs for specific occasions like Father’s Day you can select the design named ‘Any Occasion’ from the dropdown for a gift certificate.

We’ll be adding new designs for Birthdays, Christmas, Anniversaries and other occasions soon. Please email us on if you have a special request.

Yes. Our gift certificates shouldn’t be purchased for those who

  • don’t live in our service areas
  • don’t have side or rear access to their lawn that’s at least the width of a door
  • have more than 5 steps in the same access point

This is to make sure we can both reach the recipient’s property and transport our equipment to their garden(s). You can check which areas we service by entering the recipient’s postcode here. If you see a message that says ‘Great, we service your area’ then you’ll know we’ll be able to service their lawn.

You can still purchase a gift certificate and either the recipient or yourself can let us know within 30 days if we’re unable to service their area. We’ll then be able to provide a full refund. You can find our full terms and conditions here where there is a dedicated section on gift certificates.

No, only you, the gifter, can receive a refund. You can find our full terms and conditions here where there is a dedicated section on gift certificates.