Bare Patches Begone: Simple Solutions for a Beautiful Lawn

A lush and green lawn is the pride of every homeowner, but sometimes bare patches can be a problem. Bare patches in a lawn can occur for several reasons, including pests, drought, diseases, shade and heavily trafficked areas. These patches not only affect the overall appearance of the lawn but also create uneven surfaces, making it difficult to walk or play on. In this article, we’ll discuss how to fix bare patches on your lawn and improve its overall health.

Identifying the Cause of Bare Patches on Lawns

Before you start to fix the bare patches on your lawn, it is essential to identify the underlying cause. Understanding the cause can help you determine the best course of action to take.

If the bare patches in your lawn are the result of pests, such as grubs or insects, you may need to use a pesticide. Drought can also cause bare patches, and in this case, watering the lawn regularly and deeply can help promote regrowth. If your lawn has a disease, such as a brown patch or rust, applying a fungicide can help.

Keeping off heavily trafficked areas and cutting back plants that are creating shade can also help with reducing the bare areas.

How to Fix Bare Patches on Lawns

There are several ways to fix bare patches in your lawn, depending on the cause. For example, a heavily trafficked area needs rest. A shady area needs light. Areas close to large hedges need lots of water and in almost all cases, overseeding will be required. This may be an annual spring maintenance need or a one-off.

How to Improve Bare Patches on Lawns

Prevention is always better than cure, and taking care of your lawn can help prevent bare patches. Here are some tips to improve the health of your lawn and prevent bare patches:

  1. Mowing: Mow your lawn regularly to a height of 30-40mm. This helps the grass grow thicker and reduces the amount of weed growth.
  2. Watering: Water your lawn deeply and infrequently, rather than shallowly and frequently. This helps promote deep root growth and drought tolerance.
  3. Fertilising: Fertilise your lawn as required. This provides essential nutrients for healthy grass growth.
  4. Removing leaf litter: reduce leaf litter on the lawn to increase light levels.

Bare Patches on Lawns After Winter

Winter can be harsh on lawns, and bare patches may appear in the spring. To fix bare patches on the lawn after winter, follow these steps:

  1. Rake: Rake the lawn to remove any dead grass, leaves, and debris that accumulated over the winter.
  1. Aerate: Aerating the lawn helps loosen compacted soil, allowing water, air, and nutrients to reach the roots.
  1. Reseed: Reseed the bare patches.


Bare patches on the lawn can be unsightly and create uneven surfaces that can be difficult to walk or play on. Understanding the cause of the bare patches and taking appropriate steps can help fix and prevent the problem. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can enjoy your lawn.

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