Solving the Mystery of Dry Patches on Your Lawn: The Cause and Solution

As summer lengthens and the rains seem a distant prospect most lawns become drought stressed. This is normal and often we see local parks and heaths going brown as the grass goes into dormancy. However, if you have patches of lawn that are dying while areas around them stay green there’s a good chance you have dry patch. In this article, we will explore what causes dry patch on the lawn and offer some tips on how to fix it.

What Causes Dry Patch on Grass?

Dry patch is caused by a fungus in the soil which coats the soil particles with a waxy secretion. This stops the soil’s ability to hold water and instead, it just runs off.

How to Fix Dry Patch on Lawns?

Fixing dry patches on the lawn can be done in several ways. Here are a few tips:

  1. Aeration: aerating the lawn can help water penetrate the surface and reach the grass roots.
  1. Watering: once the affected areas have been aerated it is important to try and rehydrate them. The use of a wetting agent is recommended as they reduce the surface tension of water allowing it to re-wet the soil particles. Once the soil is rehydrated you can seed the affected areas.
  1. Seeding: seeding the dry patches can help fill in the bare spots and promote healthy growth. Choose a grass seed that is appropriate for your lawn type and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for planting.

How to Get Rid of Dry Patch on Lawns?

Getting rid of dry patches on the lawn can take some time, but with patience and persistence, you can achieve a healthy green lawn. Here are a few more tips:

  1. Monitor your lawn: keep an eye on your lawn and check for dry patches regularly. This will help you catch any issues early and prevent them from getting worse.
  1. Scarify and aerate your lawn regularly to increase air and water into the soil profile. Regular use of wetting agents in spring and autumn can also help prevent dry patches.
  1. Mow your lawn correctly: mowing your lawn too short can stress the grass and lead to dry patches. Keep your mower blade at the appropriate height for your lawn type and mow regularly.


Dry patch on the lawn can be a frustrating problem for homeowners, but there are ways to fix it. If caught early, dry patch can be resolved reasonably early but if you have a large lawn or a large affected area it can be time and resource consuming but it all starts with getting water back into the soil. Remember to monitor your lawn regularly and take action if you notice any issues. With a little effort and care, your lawn will thrive.

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